Aims and Objectives
We aim to provide care and support to people in their homes and supported living services. We provide trained staff to work with clients’ convenience in ways they find most agreeable.
Our principles:
We have sound principles for the way we run our service. Central to these is our belief that the rights of individuals are paramount, and we have attached as Annex 1, a statement of their rights to privacy, dignity, independence, security, civil rights, choice and fulfilment.
We aim to provide care and support in ways which have positive outcomes for service users and promote their active participation.
Our objectives:
To ensure that we are fit for our purpose. We examine our operations constantly to ensure that we are successfully achieving our stated aims. We encourage and welcome feedback from local authorities, staff, care homes, other professionals, clients, their friends and relatives.
To work for the comprehensive welfare of our clients. We aim to provide for each service user a package of support that contributes to his or her overall personal and healthcare needs and preferences. We will co-operate with other services and professionals to help to maximize each service user’s independence and to ensure as fully as possible the services user’s maximum participation in the community.
To meet assessed needs before we provide services, we ask our staff to read care plans and risk assessments, work closely with managers and senior staff to ensure that we meet the assessed needs of each client.
To provide quality services. We are whole-heartedly committed to providing top quality services and to continuous improvement in the level of the care and support we offer.
To manage and implement a formal programme of staff recruitment, training and personal development to enable client and service user’s health and care or support needs to be met by safe and competent care or support workers.
To ensure that each client's needs and values are respected in matters of religion, culture, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and disabilities or impairments.